Inkeri's Lavender Candle


Inkeri's Lavender Candle


What does a Lavender candle make you think of? Inkeri thinks of beautiful meadows, green tea, and her friends. She loves to relax and meditate to the floral fragrance this little candle gives. And it is so pretty to look at the dancing flame with dried lavender flowers and little gemstones.

Candle Details: 6.5cm (Round) x 4.5cm (H) 3.17 oz

Est. 20 hour burn time, Soy Vegan Wax, Non Toxic, Tearless, Smoke Free, Hand Made

Caution: Please keep away from children and animal.

To prevent fire and serious injury never leave a lit candle unattended. Keep away from drafts and vibrations. Place the candle on a stable, heat resistant surface. Never move a lit candle. The container can become hot when burning. Before lighting always trim the wick to 6mm for safety and an even burn. When not in use, store candle in a cool dry place below 25 degrees.

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